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Restoration works
Started in 2010 and still ongoing

Due to its particular history, La Rivière has suffered from a lack of regular maintenance since the Révolution. Apart from occasional and often unfortunate work at the end of the 19th century, no serious campaign of work took place on the exteriors (canals, masonry, park) or on the buildings over this very long period.

After an initial series of archival research to understand and document the construction and history of the castle, work began in 2010. Since then, campaigns have taken place every year, often on several fronts in parallel. The before and after photos below illustrate a selection of these projects. La Rivière is a listed monument. The work is carried out in close association with the Regional Conservation of Historic Monuments and the Architect of French Monuments.

A few examples of recent works

Vegetable Garden Before lw.jpg
Vegetable garden Works lw.jpg
Vegetable Garden After lw.jpg

Vegetable garden wall

The half made of cob of this wall had disappeared due to lack of maintenance of its roofing. Reassembled layer by layer according to traditional methods, the wall then receives a wide covering of tiles which protects it from the rain.

The access bridge

The bridge deck was splitting open and the walls were collapsing outwards. Dismantled to the vaults then reassembled with the same materials of flint and carved roussards, the bridge is left for a few centuries.

Common Works 1 lw.jpg
Common Works 2 lw.jpg
Common After lw.jpg

The outbuildings roofs

Replacement of the frames in part and the roofing in tiles on the whole. Half of the skylights had to be completely rebuilt.

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Layers Works 2 lw.jpg
Layers Works 4 lw.jpg

Les couches

These terraces had completely disappeared. Rediscovery of the foundations then reassembled in flint rubble of three retaining walls, each 100 m long. These terraces, called "layers", exposed to the south and protected from the wind, were used to grow vegetable over an extended season.

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Contresacrpe works 1 lw.jpg
Countercarpe works 2 lw.jpg

The counterscarp (outer wall of the moat)

An entire section of the moat wall on the left in front of the châtelet collapsed in 2013. Rebuilding of the wall with flint rubble and lime mortar.

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Vineyards Works lw.jpg
Vines After lw.jpg

The vineyard

This large plot opposite the castle was enclosed by walls and used as vines until the 18th century. Overgrown with vegetation due to lack of maintenance, it was cleaned to restore the clearance and perspectives desired by the Chanceliers d'Aligre.

Works to come

There are still many works to be done. The major topics are:

  • Continuation and end of the restoration of moats and bridges

  • Complete restoration of the Moulin de Boizard

  • Redevelopment of the vegetable garden-orchard

  • Planting of new rows of trees along the axes (canals and alleys) of the 17th century

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